Our Representatives & Senators

US House of Representatives
Brad Finstad
MN Congressional District 01

New Ulm, MN

Phone: 202-222-2222

Greg Davids
Minnesota House 26B

Preston, MN

Phone: 651-296-9278

Jeremy Miller
Minnesota Senate 26

Winona, MN

Phone: 651-296-5649

About Us

Welcome to the official web site for the Minnesota GOP - Houston County BPOU.

We are glad you are here.

We are the group of volunteers that comprise the Houston County Republican Party.

We work to recruit, support, elect and re-elect our representatives and senators, for both State and Federal seats, for Houston County.

We also work to recruit, support and elect conservative local office holders within Houston County.

Who are we?

We operate as the Houston County representation of the Minnesota Republican Party.

Don't worry if you hear "Republican" or "GOP". GOP is short for "Grand Old Party" and is just another (short)name for the Republican Party.

Our current Republican Representatives can be found on the 1st District Republicans website..

Current Houston County Committee Officers

Serving term: February 8, 2025 - February/March 2027.

Chair: Norm Snodgrass

Deputy Chair: David Pieper

Vice Chairs: Marty Holub, Cory Johnson

Secretary: Kate Snodgrass

Treasurer: Paul Tewes

What is a BPOU?

BPOU stands for Basic Political Operating Unit.

Simplified, a BPOU is the lowest level of a political organization. In rural areas (like Houston County), a BPOU is the entire county. However, in urban areas, the BPOU encompasses only a particular Senate District or even a single House District.

The BPOU operates as a fairly independent group. It has it's own leadership, membership, budget, etc. During election years, each BPOU elects delegates at it's caucuses, those delegates then endorse candidates for office at that BPOU's convention. During off-election years, it holds conventions to elect officers and other business. Delegates are key players in who becomes the Republican candidate when you go and vote. If you are keen to have direct impact on selecting high quality candidates, becoming a delegate is key. As a delegate, you become someone with voting powering during selection conventions such as the Congressional District Convention or State Convention.

A BPOU is also part of hierarchy. Unless, the BPOU is a House District, it will have House Districts within it. Each House District is represented in the state legislature by a Representative. In addition, each BPOU encompasses quite a few precincts. These precincts vary in size but are used to help organize votes and voting locations on Election Day. For Houston County, we are currently in US Congress Congressional District 1 (CD1) and we currently have several dozen precincts in our county. Larger cities such as La Crescent or Caledonia have several precincts while smaller townships such as Hokah have just one voting precinct.

A BPOU may contain an entire city, or only part of one. It may contain several cities, or part of several. A BPOU may encompass an entire county, or only part of one. It may also contain parts of several counties as well. The point being is that there is no easy way to geographically define the boundaries of a BPOU. As populations change and things are redistricted (redrawn maps), things may change. In the case of the 2020 census, the Minnesota maps were redrawn and parts of CD1 were also changed.

So who defines the boundaries? Well they are decided after each census by the state government. The legislature draws the lines and then the governor signs off on them. In reality though, this rarely works out and then the courts end up drawing the lines.

What is our platform and rules?

For the Minnesota GOP, see the Party Platform, Constitution, Bylaws and Roberts Orders.

For the Houston County Republican Party, see our own Constitution at the bottom of this page. Our constitution is in addition to the MN GOP Constitution. 

Simplified, we are the party of Lincoln, Reagan and Trump.

We are the America First and Make America Great Again party.

We are the party that aims to "conserve" (protect, preserve) things such as life and liberty.

We believe in the Constitution, Bill of Rights, Limited and Smaller Government, Individual Liberty and Freedoms, The Rule of Law, Equal Justice for All, A Strong Military and Backing Our Police, The Right to Bear Arms, Free Speech, Anti-Abortion and Pro-life, Legal Immigration, One Nation, Under God.

Why join us?

Simple: You are the leaders we are looking for now. We need patriots with courage to step forward and fight with us to save America for the next generation. If not you, then who?

How to join us?

Easiest option: Join our mailing list. We send out a few emails each month (depending on election seasons) and will communicate our planned events and schedule directly to your inbox. Typically, we organize a monthly BPOU meeting somewhere in Houston County (Caledonia, La Crescent, etc.) where you can come and meet up in person with other patriots and get involved. Join our mailing list using the form below.

Email: Questions? Send us an email (opens your default email program).

Social media: Find us on Truth SocialGab, Telegram, X and also Facebook (but of course we encourage you to move off Facebook as it isn't FREE SPEECH nor run by people that align with our values!).

Simply click the URL below or enter the URL into your browser and it will automatically redirect you to our page:

Each BPOU has their own constitution which operates underneath the Minnesota GOP Constitution. You can read our constitution below.


Last approved: February 8, 2025


Section 1. The name of the organization shall be the Houston County Republican Party.

Section 2. The purpose of the Houston County Republican Party shall be to seek out and elect Republican Candidates to local, state and national offices.

Section 3. The jurisdiction of the Houston County Republicans shall be limited to the geographical boundaries of Houston County as determined by Minnesota law.

Section 4. The Houston County Republican Party, in cooperation with the Republican Parties of the counties located wholly or partially within The 26th Legislative district, with the Republican Party of the 1st Congressional District and with the Republican Party of Minnesota, shall establish search committees for Legislative candidates, shall assist in raising funds for legislative candidates, and may endorse legislative candidates pursuant to the State Party Constitution.


Section 1. The Houston County Committee membership shall be composed of Houston County residents who are

  • County Executive Committee Members.
  • Chairman and Deputy Chairman, Selected Delegates and Alternates of the precincts within the county.
  • Any Local Republican Elected Official.
  • Any State or Congressional District Republican officer residing in the county.
  • Any additional persons the committee votes to allow to serve, such as representatives from auxiliaries and affiliate groups as defined by the Republican Constitution.


Section 1. The officers of the Houston County Committee shall be a Chairman, Deputy Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer, and two Vice-chairmen.

Section 2. The County Officers shall be elected at a County Convention held in odd-numbered years.

Section 3. An officer shall not hold any one position for more than 4 terms (8 years).


Section 1. Membership of the Executive Committee shall be the elected county officers, the State Central Committee delegates, and up to five persons appointed by and who shall serve at the pleasure of the county chairman.

Section 2. The Executive Committee shall have charge of the administration of the County Party affairs, subject to the direction and control of the District Convention and Committee.

Section 3. If a vacancy occurs, the remaining officers shall at the next regular meeting date from the time of the vacancy select a replacement, subject to ratification of the full committee.

Section 4. The Executive Committee shall consult and advise precincts with vacancies and appoint officers to fill precinct vacancies if the vacancies exist for more than 30 days.

Section 5. The Executive Committee participates in legislative candidate search committees and following endorsement, if given, coordinate and assist in campaigns for the election of these candidates.

Section 6. The Executive Committee shall meet at least 6 times per year. A quorum shall consist of 20% of the members.

Section 7.  Electronic Meetings

Regular and Special Meetings of the Executive Committee, any subcommittee or special committee, may be held by electronic means (telephone, conference, video conference or internet communication system) subject to the following requirements:

  1. A majority of the members shall have access to the specified electronic media.
  2. A quorum for the meeting shall be established by roll call vote and, once established, shall be assumed present until the meeting is adjourned.
  3. The technology used for the electronic meetings shall allow the members full access to and full participation in all meeting transactions either continuously or intermittently throughout the specified time of the meeting.
  4. The affirmative vote of a majority of the quorum shall be the minimum vote requirement for the adoption of any motion, with a roll call being required upon request of any member participating in the meeting.


There may be a minimum of two officers and such other officers as the precinct may prescribe who shall be elected at the precinct caucuses.

Section 2. It shall be the duty of the precinct officer, assisted by Senate/House Coordinators to perfect the organization of the precinct; to recruit block workers, conduct training sessions, complete voter surveys, conduct authorized fund raising drives, conduct voter registration programs, or any other task that may be assigned by the County Committee.

Section 3. Precinct officer vacancies may be filled by the executive committee at the next regular meeting.


Section 1. The Houston County Convention shall be held annually at the call of the State Executive Committee, the State Central Committee, the Congressional District Committee, or the Houston County Committee, preceding the Congressional District and State Conventions. County Conventions shall be held at a place determined by the Executive Committee.

Section 2. The Houston County Convention shall be composed of delegates and alternates elected at the last Precinct Caucus.

Section 3. If the alternates are unranked they shall be seated

  • By either the Chairman or Deputy Chairman
  • By majority vote of the seated delegates of that precinct or
  • If there are open seats in a precinct after delegates and alternates are seated, alternates will be eligible for cross seating. If needed, alternates will be ranked by a vote of seated delegates and seated in ranked order.

Section 4. Prior to each convention, the Chairman shall appoint a rules, resolutions, credentials, nominating or any such committees as may be necessary to carry out the business of the convention.

Section 5. Endorsement Conventions shall be called by the Congressional District Committee and shall be conducted in accordance with the Constitution and procedures of House District 26B and Senate District 26.


Section 1. Delegates and alternates shall be elected to the Congressional District and the State Conventions at the County Convention during even numbered years for a term of two years and apportioned in accordance with the vote for Governor and/or President.

Section 2. There shall be at least one delegate and two alternates from each caucus convening area as determined by the Executive Committee.

Section 3. Alternates shall be ranked according to the number of votes received. Ties shall be broken by drawing straws or other approved tie-breaking method.

Section 4. Prior to the caucuses, the Executive Committee shall inform the convener of the number of delegates and alternates that may be elected from each convening area. The convener may ask for recommendations to fill the number of allocated delegate and alternate positions. The recommendations shall be approved by the nominating committee before being reported and voted on at the County Convention.

Section 5. Nominations may be made from the floor with the permission of the person being nominated.

Section 6. State Central Committee Delegate(s) and Alternate(s) shall be elected during odd-numbered year conventions for a term of two years. Delegate positions shall be allocated to the BPOUs on the basis of the Republican Gubernatorial or Presidential votes cast in the First Congressional District in the last general election. There shall be alternate position(s) allocated for each delegate position in accordance to the requirements within the Minnesota Republican Party constitution and by-laws.

Section 7. District Central Committee Delegates and Alternates shall be appointed at the first BPOU Executive Committee meeting after the BPOU Convention in odd numbered years for a term of two years. There shall be two (2) delegate positions and one alternate position allocated for each delegate position.


Section 1. Following their election on odd numbered years, the County Chairman with the advice and consent of the Executive Committee shall appoint a Constitution Committee whose function is to review and recommend changes to this Constitution when deemed necessary. This committee serves at the pleasure of the Executive Committee.

Section 2. This constitution may be amended by a majority vote of the delegates present at the County Convention provided that the proposed amendments are referred to the Constitution Committee and notice is given to the delegates prior to the Convention.

Section 3. The provisions of this Constitution shall become effective immediately upon adoption by the County Convention.

About Our Executive Committee Positions

Pursuant to Article III of the Houston County Republican Party Constitution, the following positions are elected for Officers during our convention. With each listed Office position, the following criteria outlines qualified candidates as well as expectations to successfully fulfill the position.

We are continuously looking for volunteers to help fill our Executive Committee. Pursuant to Article IV, Section 1, up to five members at large are also available to be elected to the Executive Committee. If you are interested in joining, just let us know. Being a member at large is a great way to "learn the ropes" on eventually becoming part of the Executive Committee. 


  1. Strong leadership skills
  2. Knowledge of Roberts Rules of Order to conduct conventions, meetings, caucus
  3. The main organizer, director of the monthly Executive Boards meetings. Setting the agendas, conducting the meetings
  4. The main point person for communication from the State and District Parties.
  5. The initial point person for campaigns to reach out to----may change later if a person(s) is assigned as campaign person for the Executive Committee.
  6. Normally the person the press will go to for interviews, comments around election time.
  7. Main person to ensure all committee work, events, fund raisers are within the boundaries of the party constitution.
  8. Works with the Credentials team of the District and State Parties prior to conventions.
  9. Able to devote the time and effort to the position. During election years and prior to conventions and caucus---the position can involve many hours—sometimes daily.
  10. Holds a basic knowledge of the county, district and state constitutions.
  11. Will attend all county, district and state conventions (if elected to them) and lead the other delegates/alternates at conventions.
  12. Will attempt to attend Houston County GOP events, fund raisers, parades, rallies, etc.
  13. Other duties as needed
  14. The Chair is one of the delegates to the CD1 Committee Meetings (6 per yr) in the event of needing to fill a delegate position.

Deputy Chair

  1. Must have same skills as Chair. In the event the Chair is no long able to perform his/her duties, the Deputy Chair must be capable to take over that position.
  2. Normally the Deputy Chair is one of the delegates to the CD1 Committee Meetings (6 per yr) in the event of needing to fill a delegate position.

Vice Chair(s)

  1. Vice chairs should have skills within the other listed positions and are typically ad-hoc positions which can be used to fill special projects or needs within the organization. For example, mentoring or understudy a position or other tasks as agreed to by the executive board.


  1. Basic financial skills
  2. Reliability and accuracy are a must
  3. File all financial reports on a timely basis
  4. Willing to attend Campaign Finance and other financial training programs during the year.
  5. Oversee the county party bank account, pay bills, manage donations and contributions to the party
  6. Prepare a detailed financial report for each Executive Board meeting and basic financial accounting for BPOU meetings.
  7. Ensures that copies of necessary documents are available for events (contracts, proof of insurance etc). Works with the county Secretary on this.


  1. Good communication and writing skills. Documenting all meetings, conventions and caucus in writing,
  2. Ensures that copies of necessary documents are available for events (contract, proof of insurance etc). Works with the county Treasurer on this.
  3. Ensures there are current delegate/alternate lists available at all conventions, caucus.
  4. Provides the necessary paperwork, pens, voting cards, sign up sheets, documents, etc. at the conventions, caucus.

About Minnesota Politics...

Understanding how the political processes work in Minnesota can be confusing. Here is a simplified breakdown on how things work.

There are three main areas in Minnesota politics in terms of how candidates are selected, endorsed, supported: local level (county), district level (formed by neighboring counties), state level.

Local level = BPOU. Our BPOU includes all of Houston County. We are officially "Houston County Republicans BPOU #20568".

District level = Congressional District 1 (CD1). See the current map here. We are represented in the US Congress (House) via CD1.

State level = State of Minnesota

Each BPOU has their own conventions which operate underneath the District and State levels. BPOU's are the "local level" or "grassroots" that really drive and fuel a "bottom up" push of politics as the District level and State level are all composed of and elected from the BPOU delegates. If you've heard the term of "Precinct Strategy", this is what is meant. The local "precincts" (in the BPOU's) have significant power to shape things at the District and State level. We elect and send delegates from Houston County to send to District and State.

There are three main committees driving things: the local BPOU Committee (or the "Executive Board of the Houston County GOP"), the Congressional District 1 Committee (as Houston County is in CD1, we elect our delegates to represent Houston County in the CD1 Committee) and the State Committee (essentially the "Minnesota GOP").

Conventions operate in a two year rotation cycle, which starts with the local Precinct Caucus. The Caucus is where we meet locally in our BPOU and elect Delegates and Alternates to represent Houston County for the next 2 years. We do this in even numbered years. As such, we did this in 2020, 2022 and will do so again in 2024. On the odd years such as 2021, 2023, we elect delegates and alternates to represent Houston County at the CD1 and State Committees. 

Think of things this way:

  • If the year is even numbered, at the start of the year, there is a convention held with a caucus. Each precinct in Houston County, based on size, is allocated a specific number of delegates and alternates to be elected to represent their Precinct. So for example, Precinct 1 in Caledonia, might have 3 seats to fill for delegates to represent that precinct. Precinct 2 in Caledonia has another 3 delegates, Precinct 3 has another 3. In total, Caledonia might have 9 delegates total. All the precincts are filled this way and the total number for Houston County Delegates is typically ~50 (all depends on population size, voting turnouts, etc. as determined by math from the MN GOP along with other things like congressional district maps on a Federal level). 
  • If the year is odd, these delegates fulfill their last duties by voting on delegates to represent Houston County in both CD1 Committee and State Committee. Odd years are also when the BPOU Committee Officers are elected (2 year terms).

Each area (local BPOU, CD1, State) maintains their own Constitutions which need to be ensured ”aligned” from State down (BPOU can’t violate CD1 or State, CD1 can't violate things from State, etc.). 

Constitutions are updated at conventions (once per year). 

Some BPOUs have “by-laws" allowing for guardrails and rules however we do not currently use "by-laws" in Houston County GOP.

Convention details, including description of our BPOU Executive Committee positions, temporary rules used to hold our local convention as well as a template for updating our Constitution can be found here. 

Key events on even years: 

  • Caucus at the beginning of the year to elect delegates and alternates for Houston County GOP
  • Congressional District 1 Convention to endorse our CD1 Representative (US House seats are 2-year terms)
  • Every four years (next one being 2026), State Convention to endorse State races for Governor, Lt. Governor, Secretary of State, Auditor, Attorney General

Key events on odd years: 

Key events every year:

  • Fundraising
  • Parades
  • Community outreach and support (local elections, local events, etc.)